Does your sidewalk or walkway look like this?…
Polyurethane concrete raising and mudjacking are two methods used to raise and support settled or unstable concrete slabs, by drilling small diamater holes (5/8″ or smaller) and pumping Poly Foam under the concrete slab to fill the void and raise the slab.
The use of polyurethane foam is becoming more and more popular with home owners for several reasons: fewer and smaller injection holes drilled in their concrete, ability to fully resume traffic on repaired concrete within ½ hour or less (less down time), no damage to the surrounding area (lawns, flower beds, etc.) Our customers expect a reliable on time service, PolyRaise gives you that peace of mind.
If you are debating tearing out the old and replacing it with new then you owe it to yourself and your pocketbook to give PolyRaise a call to set up a Free Estimate. You may be surprised that you can have perfectly aligned concrete again, in a matter of minutes, saving time and money. Raising concrete with polyurethane foam is inexpensive compared to the replacement alternatives, and is much faster and less messy than replacing concrete. Also, concrete replacement is expensive. Concrete contractors must make up to three trips to a location to replace a simple slab of concrete with removal of old concrete, framing new concrete forms, pouring new concrete that could require expensive concrete pumping equipment, removal of framing material and cutting relief joints.
Don’t Replace it, Raise it!
Be environmentally friendly! Repair your concrete instead of replacing it!
Conserving the environmental and it’s resources are important.
The polyurethane foam we use is environmentally friendly, dual component polyurethane foam, specifically engineered for raising, leveling, and stabilizing concrete. This is a patented material made from recycled components, making it the “greenest” polyurethane foam on the market. Our foam is manufactured here in our own home state of Wisconsin out of 40% recycled materials.